HTML Validation Result of

After validating, we found 3 errors and 2 warnings.

3 Errors

1. X-UA-Compatible HTTP header must have the value “IE=edge”, was “IE=Edge;chrome=1”. 1 occurrence
On line , column

2. A “charset” attribute on a “meta” element found after the first 1024 bytes. 1 occurrence
On line 4, column 25 '... charset="utf-8" /> <meta ...'

3. Bad value “origin-trial” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”. 1 occurrence
On line 7, column 283 '... /> <meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="An7X35dNCp8wa7sy5tdW7/BBviJ7F5KeD3vDjGgHaznvlFmAPggK2k3jXzBIVMZ6JOlMPOZp5I1q1w+N2MF2tMEAAABseyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL21zbi5jb206NDQzIiwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWUsImZlYXR1cmUiOiJNc1VzZXJBZ2VudExhdW5jaE5hdlR5cGUiLCJleHBpcnkiOjE3MTk3NzQwMDB9"> ...'

2 Warnings

1. Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values. 2 occurrences
On line 4, column 28 '...;}}"> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <...'
On line 5, column 76 '...8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> ...'

2. The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. 10 occurrences
On line 23, column 44 '... <script type="text/javascript" nonce=""> ...'
On line 38, column 78 '... <script type="text/javascript" id="inlinehead-inline-script" nonce=""> ...'
On line 43, column 174 '...script> <script src='/bundles/v1/homePage/latest/SSR-extension.302dff0791ec01021361.js' type="text/javascript" onerror="onErrorHandler(this.src)" nonce="" crossorigin="anonymous"></scri...'
On line 47, column 48 '...> <script type="text/javascript" nonce=""> ...'
On line 52, column 48 '... <script type="text/javascript" nonce=""> ...'
On line 57, column 44 '...ript> <script type="text/javascript" nonce=""> ...'
On line 80, column 158 '...div> <script src='' type="text/javascript" nonce="" crossorigin="anonymous"></scri...'
On line 81, column 160 '...ript> <script src='' type="text/javascript" nonce="" crossorigin="anonymous"></scri...'
On line 82, column 157 '...ript> <script src='' type="text/javascript" nonce="" crossorigin="anonymous"></scri...'
On line 83, column 165 '...> <script src='' type="text/javascript" nonce="" crossorigin="anonymous"></scri...'

HTML Validator

To make an error-free HTML template, you must know the valid structure and rules of HTML. But sometime it becomes hard to maintain error-free status. To help you identify any HTML Validation error or warning, HTML Validator Tool is here. 

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Input your HTML document URL in the above field and hit the action button. You will be shown all the errors and warnings your HTML document have. The list is organized in such a way that you will be able to identify them easily.