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Domain Availability
Check whether a Domain Name is available for registration or not via our Domain Search Tool.
It's not an easy job finding out a perfect domain name for business. Not only the domain itself, the extension or TLD is also very important. So sometimes, it becomes a hard task finding a perfectly matched domain name.
How Domain Checker tool works
We search for your entered domain name in the respective WHOIS server. If there is any domain record found in the WHOIS database, that means the domain is not available for purchase. Otherwise we show that the domain is available with a list of purchase links for your ease.
How domain suggestion works
Our domain search tool works through GoDaddy API. If you search for a domain name in our website, you will get the same result as GoDaddy. This ensures that the best domains are suggested to you so that you can make a good choice.
Check other extensions
With our domain availability checker tool, not only you can find your desired domain availability information, but also you can see what other extensions are available for that domain. Also you can see a list of suggestion which are made based on your queried domain name.
Things to consider for a domain name
- The domain name must be as short as possible.
- The domain name should not contain any unnecessary numbers. They really look spammy.
- You must avoid using hyphens in the domain names although they are allowed technically.
- Domain names should be easy to pronounce, easy to type and remember.
How to buy a domain
We do not provide any domain registration service. It's just a tool that can help you find a perfect domain name. But we will show you the purchase link for your convenience so that you can easily buy them in the quickest time possible. Click in the Buy button or registrar link go to the registrar website and purchase the domain there.
Disclaimer: We have attached our referral link in the purchase links. When you buy any domain using this links, we get a commission from the respective registrar. That will cost you no extra bucks, but helps us to maintain our service. We appreciate your understanding.